The new era of online sports betting platforms
Unique sports betting experience that combines best out of the two worlds, bringing the deentralised finance in to a sports betting market.
Multitude of market selection between various sports and ability to bet in a decentralized way using a platform's own tradable token.
Discovery/ UX-UI/ Blockchain/ Back-end/ Front-end/ NFTs

Platform’s design
Our main challenge was to design a platform where users can exchange the cryptocurrency to a Betrust token, place bets on multiple markets, have access to its betting history and claim withdrawal upon winning.
Designing these features led us to explore many possibilities for innovative flow that differs from current industry practice as some of the Smart Contract functionalities directly affected the user experience.
The other part of the challenge was to create a user interface that reflects the brand image through the entirety of the platform making it available for users on devices with various screen sizes.

Full Stack development
The challenging part for the platform of this complexity is to make sure the core of the platform is set up right and scalable for many users.
Our Backend and dev ops teams have created a custom backend architecture that fits the project needs and can serve as a scalable foundation for many features to come.
With our front end and UI design team we created a platform look and front end logic that enables us to scale properly as the platform grows in future.
Regarding the blockchain implementation and Smart contract architecture our Blockchain development team has ensured that smart contract strategy is implemented and developed properly and fits perfectly with all the other pieces of the product puzzle.
Website presentation
Presenting the important information about the product in an interesting and informative way was a priority when designing the Website for Betrust platform.
Designing the custom 3d assets and animation gave the website the modern look and its flow was created to present the most important information about the project's current agenda and its future goals.

Crucial spin with the NFTs
Betrust fundraising strategy includes 3 NFT stages as the holder of the NFTs will receive a a predetermined and equal amount of Betrust tokens.
As the big vision goals are to create a full white label product, NFT fundraising strategy is crucial for further development.
We created a football inspired design and designed and developed a different webpage for minting purposes which will also be an infrastructure for next stages of NFT fundraising.

Blockchain as the safest bet on future
Betrust is a large-scale project that tries to solve the various problems in the online sports betting industry using blockchain technology and drawing inspiration from DeFi technology in order to decentralize the platform and bring transparency and security on a new level.
The users funds are deposited straight to the smart contract and not on the bookies side which raises the transparency of the entire process between two parties.With this system global access to the sports betting is guaranteed.
The vision of a full proportional white label decentralized betting infrastructure is the big vision that made Timacum step in as a partner as well and jumpstart and speed up the Betrusts journey to the fulfillment of the big vision.